该基因编码组蛋白乙酰基转移酶的MOZ,YBFR2,SAS2,TIP60家族的成员。 该蛋白质由核定位域,与乙酰化组蛋白尾巴结合的双C2H2锌指结构域,组蛋白乙酰转移酶域,富含谷氨酸/天冬氨酸的区域以及富含丝氨酸和蛋氨酸的反式激活域组成。 它是乙酰化组蛋白3中赖氨酸9残基的复合物的一部分,此外,它还充当多种转录因子的共激活因子。 该基因的等位基因变异与认知障碍的常染色体显性形式有关。 该基因的染色体易位与急性髓细胞性白血病有关。 选择性剪接导致多个转录物变体。 [由RefSeq提供,2017年7月]
This gene encodes a member of the MOZ, YBFR2, SAS2, TIP60 family of histone acetyltransferases. The protein is composed of a nuclear localization domain, a double C2H2 zinc finger domain that binds to acetylated histone tails, a histone acetyl-transferase domain, a glutamate/aspartate-rich region, and a serine- and methionine-rich transactivation domain. It is part of a complex that acetylates lysine-9 residues in histone 3, and in addition, it acts as a co-activator for several transcription factors. Allelic variants of this gene are associated with an autosomal dominant form of cognitive disability. Chromosomal translocations of this gene are associated with acute myeloid leukemia. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2017]

8 Start: 41786997 End: 41909506 Strand: 
信号通路: 组蛋白修饰  肿瘤干细胞 
KAT6A 基因突变与药物
