组蛋白是构成真核生物染色体纤维核小体结构的基本核蛋白核小体由大约146 bp的DNA包裹在组蛋白八聚体周围,该组蛋白八聚体由四个核心组蛋白(H2A、H2B、H3和H4)中的每一个组成。染色质纤维通过连接组蛋白h1与核小体之间的dna相互作用进一步紧密,形成高阶染色质结构。该基因无内含子,编码一个复制依赖性组蛋白,是组蛋白h3家族的成员。这个基因的转录本没有polya尾;相反,它们包含一个回文终止元素。该基因与6p22-p21.3染色体组蛋白基因簇中的其他h3基因分开定位。[由RefSeq提供,2015年8月]
Histones are basic nuclear proteins that are responsible for the nucleosome structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryotes. Nucleosomes consist of approximately 146 bp of DNA wrapped around a histone octamer composed of pairs of each of the four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4). The chromatin fiber is further compacted through the interaction of a linker histone, H1, with the DNA between the nucleosomes to form higher order chromatin structures. This gene is intronless and encodes a replication-dependent histone that is a member of the histone H3 family. Transcripts from this gene lack polyA tails; instead, they contain a palindromic termination element. This gene is located separately from the other H3 genes that are in the histone gene cluster on chromosome 6p22-p21.3. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2015]

1 Start: 228612546 End: 228613026 Strand: 
H3-4 基因突变与药物
